at Rock Point School

Career Exploration: Veterinary Medicine

Posted by Emily Skoler | December 16, 2019

IMG_3053During their work with our college counselor or weekly meetings with their advisors, students explore who they've been, who they are now, and who they want to be.  There is a big focus on personal qualities and values, but students are also encouraged to explore potential career paths.  Staff can help them connect with professionals in the community. 

This week, a student visited Richmond Animal Hospital and got a guided tour by Michele Tulis, a veterinarian who ran a home practice for 35 years. The staff at the Animal Hospital were friendly and helpful.  They showed us x-rays and explained medical issues, and Michelle gave us a demonstration of a regular physical exam, on her adorable and wonderful dog Dobby.  Professionals spoke to us about their various paths to and through Vet Tech and Veterinarian training.  

Topics: News Feed, college, post-graduate, transitions, life skills