at Rock Point School

Cultural Exchange Trip: Bahamas 2017

Posted by Molly Huddle Coffey | February 6, 2017


Each year, students and staff venture forth on a cultural exchange trip. This year, we are headed to the Bahamas! Over the past few years, we have built a relationship with South Andros High School and they have come to visit us, getting tours of our garden, sugar house and apiary. The photos above are from their previous visits to Rock Point. Gus traveled to South Andros last year to give a guest lecture at the school on bee keeping. This year we are sending a group to the Bahamas on February 24th to complete the exchange!

We are excited to see South Andros Island and learn about the agriculture, ecosystem, history, and art of the Bahamas. One highlight of the itinerary so far, is a visit to "blue holes," natural pools that are a combination of fresh and salt water.

Check News & Events page later this month for more updates on the trip!

(Photo below is from our 2016 trip to Nicaragua)


Topics: school vacation, high school