at Rock Point School

Designer and Engineer Sam Holland Visits RPS

Posted by Molly Huddle Coffey | October 7, 2021

Sam Holland

Sam Holland works to make the imagined real. As a former engineering student of our math tutor, Michael Coleman, Sam took his curiosity about how things were made and became a mechanical engineer. He has worked at places like MakerBot and Vimeo, and now, he owns his own business called, where he helps companies of all sizes create hardware. We are thrilled that he decided to visit Rock Point School and work on 3-D design and printing projects with our students.

On Wednesday, Sam gave a presentation to the student body and he told them about his journey to become an engineer and entrepreneur. He explained how his passion for creating and engineering has led him to help companies make their dreams come true. For example, one fun product he has been working on is Burritopop, a burrito holder and dispenser. Another project Sam helped design is the Neurosity Crown, a device worn on the head that allows the wearer to stay focused and enter an optimal flow state.

At Rock Point School, we currently have two 3-D printers and a 3D pen that students can use to create. Mari Dalton, our science teacher, has been working on getting them up and running this year, and Sam has volunteered to help her. With his help and Mari and Mike’s teaching, students can use CAD software to make 3-D designs that they can then print. While most of the creations will be made in the elective class, Makerspace, there are many possibilities for cross-curricular projects.

Thanks so much to Sam for sharing his expertise with us. Our students are ready to get to work making creative designs for our 3-D printer!

Topics: high school, academics