
News & Events

at Rock Point School

Welcome New Residential Educators!

on August 19, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | transitions
We are excited to introduce two new Residential Educators! Our Residential Educators are crucial to our student experience, sharing their interests, inspiring students to try new things, and guiding them through the challenges of adolescence. We are thrilled to add John Davis and Haley Sparks to the team!
Read - Welcome New Residential Educators!

Summer Session Week Three

on July 27, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | summer
Read - Summer Session Week Three

What We're Reading: Summer 2020

on July 15, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | summer
Summer is a fabulous time to read - on a beach, under a tree, snuggled up on your couch on a rainy day - and the Rock Point staff has been busy finding some excellent books to share with you.
Read - What We're Reading: Summer 2020

Under the Trees: Summer Enrichment

on July 13, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | summer
Our math teacher, Hans Manske, was challenged to create an Enrichment curriculum for Remote Summer Session that could encourage students to engage with the natural world in their backyards or neighborhoods. His inspiration came from his love of nature and the beautiful trees surrounding Rock Point School.
Read - Under the Trees: Summer Enrichment

Introducing Our New Office and Systems Manager

on June 30, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed community
Our beloved Mo Reilly, former Director of Community Development, has moved to the countryside of Eastern Vermont to be with her partner full time! We already miss her great sense of humor and excellent organizational skills. Mo helped implement and update many systems, such as our student information software and donor database, which will help Rock Point School thrive in the future.
Read - Introducing Our New Office and Systems Manager

Sharing Memories at Reunion 2020

on June 22, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
“I remember all of it. I take it all with me in my life ... I was remade because of RPS.” - Lou Laramy, class of 1983 On Saturday, June 13, over fifty members of the Rock Point School community came together on Zoom to share memories, tell stories, and catch up with each other. The afternoon began with C.J. Spirito, current Head of School, sharing highlights from his 40 years at Rock Point, first as a dorm counselor, then as Dean, and finally as head of school. Russ Ellis (Headmaster 1969-1992) also spoke about his time as Head, followed by John Rouleau (Teacher 1971-1992, Headmaster 1992-2011). Ryan Weiland, Dean of School, spoke about her memories as a Residential Educator in the early 2000’s and how they inform her work as the Dean today. Lonnie Edson, our longtime Office Administrator, also shared her favorite memories from working in the front office for over 40 years.
Read - Sharing Memories at Reunion 2020

Remote Summer Session, Fall on Campus

We are excited to launch our Remote Summer Session next week! The remote summer program will run from July 6 to August 13, half days, Mondays through Thursdays. We will have morning meetings, time to connect socially, academic classes for credit recovery, study halls, and time with an advisor. In addition, there will be weekly Enrichment Classes focusing on art, nature, and fun games. New students will get a taste of the best of Rock Point School.
Read - Remote Summer Session, Fall on Campus

Statement on Recent Protests Against Police Violence

on June 3, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
The Rock Point School staff is sad, angry, scared, and frustrated over the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. Our hearts are with the families and communities of these victims as they grieve for their loved ones. We believe Black Lives Matter. We know that these killings are only the most recent visible examples of a history of racism in our country, and the racism that continues to permeate our culture is unacceptable. We are committed to working against racism and creating positive change in our school, in our community, and in our country. We encourage everyone to use their right to vote, protest safely, and raise their voices to demand justice, freedom, and peace.
Read - Statement on Recent Protests Against Police Violence

Running in the Time of Coronavirus

on May 24, 2020 By Alyssa Barrett | Motivation
C.J., Jeanine, and Alyssa getting in their miles around Vermont During a typical year in Burlington, the last Sunday in May is reserved for the Vermont City Marathon. It’s one of the city’s largest events, drawing thousands of people for 26.2 miles of celebration. The marathon is known for its joyous, inclusive atmosphere. You can run the whole thing, run half as a relay pair, or run a leg on relay teams of up to five people. This flexibility means the marathon is filled with dedicated die-hards and weekend warriors alike. You’ll see Boston hopefuls and young kiddos all on the same course, and this community atmosphere brings everyone—from runners to spectators—together for a whole lot of fun and camaraderie.
Read - Running in the Time of Coronavirus

Breakfast for Dinner: Together Apart

on May 22, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | community
This year, we were challenged to create virtual versions of our traditional end-of-the-year events. Each one plays an important role in closing the school year and helping students transition to their next step, whether that is a summer off or preparation for college. Our staff has worked hard to capture the spirit of these events online, but one of the biggest challenges is making sure all the technical pieces work!
Read - Breakfast for Dinner: Together Apart