
News & Events

at Rock Point School

Distance Learning Starts Today!

Rock Point School teachers and staff have been working hard to shift learning online while we all stay home and stay healthy during this crisis. Teachers are meeting with each of their classes for 30 minutes a day via Google Hangout and will continue to receive work and give feedback in Google Drive. While things like Chemistry lab will have to be changed pretty dramatically, we are confident that our students and staff will rise to the challenge and continue learning as best we can during this time. As C.J. likes to say, "We will not let the perfect get in the way of the good!"
Read - Distance Learning Starts Today!


on March 16, 2020 By CJ Spirito | transitions COVID-19
On March 15th, the Executive Committee and Administrative Team met regarding updates about COVID-19. The situation is rapidly evolving and recommendations have changed. On that Sunday, the Governor of Vermont issued a mandate that called for Vermont schools to be closed by Wednesday. This has changed our thinking about the plan for keeping Rock Point open. In order to follow best practices happening around us, and lessen the risk for all people in the face of this virus, we have decided to suspend on-campus programming at Rock Point effective Monday, March 16.
Read - UPDATE: COVID-19 Plan for RPS

COVID-19 Spring 2020 Plan for RPS

on March 13, 2020 By CJ Spirito | COVID-19
At this time, we are all doing well at Rock Point School. Clearly, we are all thinking about and planning for the challenges and concerns that come with the 2019 novel coronavirus. Here are the things we are doing to help keep our community healthy: Increased sanitation of all surfaces in the school, particularly those surfaces that are frequently touched like light switches, desks, and door knobs. Increased hand washing and access to hand sanitizer. Watching for virus symptoms and monitoring by our school nurse. Practicing social distancing respectfully within our community. Significantly lessening trips and interactions beyond school.
Read - COVID-19 Spring 2020 Plan for RPS

You're Invited to Reunion 2020!

**** AT THIS TIME, THE REUNION IS CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19. CHECK BACK FOR UPDATES ABOUT A DIGITAL REUNION*** We are excited to share more details about the Rock Point School 2020 reunion on June 12-14th! We are looking forward to a weekend filled with sharing memories, enjoying the beauty of campus, and catching up with old friends. As always, any former students, staff, and families are invited!
Read - You're Invited to Reunion 2020!

Town Meeting Day 2020

Each year, Rock Point School makes an effort to participate in the grand tradition of Vermont Town Meeting day. The overall vision for Town Meeting Day is to explore how we live and participate in community.
Read - Town Meeting Day 2020

Maple 5k and Brunch April 4, 2020

on February 27, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed public event
Read - Maple 5k and Brunch April 4, 2020

A Night of Theater!

on February 23, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | performance
We are so incredibly proud of our students for all the hard work and creativity that went into the school plays this year. The performance on February 22nd showcased two student written plays, a Shakespearean monologue, and a one-act written by Christopher Durang. Students lead every part of the production from costumes to sets to lights and more. Our two student writers, Jeff and Amaris, also directed their plays, helping bring their visions to life on stage.
Read - A Night of Theater!

Valentine's Day Poem 2020

on February 18, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | Open & Inclusive
Each year our Head of School and his team of writers, including college counselor Emily Skoler and English Teacher Abbey Baker, compose a Valentine poem for the school. The tradition began twenty years ago with former Head of School, John Rouleau, writing a Valentine poem for the school with a rhyming couplet for each student. After John's retirement, C.J. kept the tradition alive. On Valentine's Day, C.J., Emily, Ryan, and Abbey performed the poem wearing appropriately silly Valentine garb. This tradition is a sweet way for us to share appreciations for our students and this year we followed it with sweet treats! You can read the introductory lines below or click here to read the full poem!
Read - Valentine's Day Poem 2020

One-Act Plays 2020

on January 31, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey | performance public event
After two playwriting workshops with local playwright Mary Beth McNulty, two students continued to edit and polish their plays for performance. We are thrilled to announce our One-Act play performance will take place on February 20th at 6:30 pm in our school library.
Read - One-Act Plays 2020

Celebrating The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

on January 30, 2020 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
Read - Celebrating The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.