
News & Events

at Rock Point School

A Warm & Welcoming Open House

Thank you to everyone who came to the Open House! We had a great time meeting potential students and their families, chatting with trustees, catching up with former staff and alumni, and sharing all the Rock Point news with visiting professionals.
Read - A Warm & Welcoming Open House

Open House Thursday January, 23rd

You're invited to the Rock Point School Open House on Thursday January 23rd, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Learn about our rich art program, dorm adventures, and our nurturing approach to academics. During this event you can: Tour our school Meet teachers, residential staff, and students Discover how you can fit in and stand out at Rock Point School Eat snacks! Activities will be available for younger kids
Read - Open House Thursday January, 23rd

Creating Inclusive School Communities

On our first day back from winter break, Victoria Pearson, the Statewide Youth Organizer from Outright Vermont, came to work with students about creating inclusive school communities. Victoria described ways in which LGBTQ+ students are vulnerable to struggling in schools, and helped us discuss ways we can all be more aware and more inclusive. We discussed our own experiences in the world, and times we had been affirmed or had struggled. We then discussed how we might be better allies for people in need of our support. We left feeling invigorated, and with our intentions set on being even more intentional and supportive in the new year.
Read - Creating Inclusive School Communities

The Face of Recovery

The United State's Attorney for Vermont, Christina E. Nolan, is passionate about the opiate crisis. She has worked hard to create programs in our state that treat and prevent opiate addiction, as well as enforcing the laws. One of her goals is to get into the community and spread the message that recovery is possible and reduce the stigma that recovering addicts experience. Enter Justin Goulet.
Read - The Face of Recovery

Holiday Celebration 2019

on December 23, 2019 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed Open & Inclusive
Read - Holiday Celebration 2019

Career Exploration: Veterinary Medicine

During their work with our college counselor or weekly meetings with their advisors, students explore who they've been, who they are now, and who they want to be. There is a big focus on personal qualities and values, but students are also encouraged to explore potential career paths. Staff can help them connect with professionals in the community.
Read - Career Exploration: Veterinary Medicine

T.R.Y. for the Environment!

on December 12, 2019 By Mari Dalton | News Feed high school life skills
This fall a group of students at Rock Point applied for and were accepted into Teens Reaching Youth for the Environment (TRY). The TRY program was developed by UVM Extension and their environmental partners, and the goal is to coach teens how to teach elementary students about environmental issues. Besides getting to learn a lot about a particular environmental issue, these students will be developing mentoring and leadership skills, while increasing environmental literacy and responsibility in younger kids.
Read - T.R.Y. for the Environment!

Playwriting Workshops 2019

on December 10, 2019 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed performance
Working with the Vermont Young Playwrights' Project, Rock Point students have begun their journey toward writing and producing annual school plays. Students had the chance to work with local playwright Mary Beth McNulty for two full-day workshops this winter. In November they played acting games, learned the techniques of playwriting, and brainstormed ideas based on prompts from Mary Beth. Students left the workshop with the beginnings of their ten-minute plays in the works, and then worked with our English teacher, Abbey Baker, to make progress.
Read - Playwriting Workshops 2019

Giving Tuesday Results Are In

on December 5, 2019 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
We are so grateful to everyone who donated to the Tomorrow Fund for Giving Tuesday! Together, you contributed over $10,000 to the Tomorrow Fund and unlocked matching funds to raise a total of over $20,000 in one day. An additional $3,250 was raised during the week of Thanksgiving, which will also be matched by a generous donor, making the grand total for our Thanksgiving/ Giving Tuesday donations over $26,500. This incredible gift will help us continue our mission of providing a small, supportive, educational community for young people, where they can become their best selves. Thank you so much for being a part of this mission and helping young people transform their lives. If you have not yet given to the Tomorrow Fund, there is still time to donate before the end of the year. Our generous donor will double match any donations above last year's giving! This is a great opportunity to make the most of your gift to Rock Point School.
Read - Giving Tuesday Results Are In

The Chill Foundation Features RPS in Burton Film

Since its inception in 1995 by Jake Burton Carpenter, The Chill Foundation has worked with over 25,000 young people to help them overcome challenges through boardsports. Rock Point School has been participating in Chill, almost since the beginning. This past year, the program selected four of our students to participate in a leadership program and be featured in a film, "Built on Boards."
Read - The Chill Foundation Features RPS in Burton Film