
News & Events

at Rock Point School

Maple bRUNch April 7th!

on March 8, 2018 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
Read - Maple bRUNch April 7th!

Drama, drama, drama: School Play Feb. 22

on February 8, 2018 By Molly Huddle Coffey | high school performance
Our students are hard at work getting ready for our drama performance on February 22 at 6 p.m. Earlier this winter, students began writing plays in workshops with the Vermont Young Playwrights' Project. Some students continued editing and developing their plays so that they could be performed this month. Each student at Rock Point is involved in the production in some way, either as a writer, director, performer, set builder, costume designer, or crew member. Some enthusiastic students are taking part in multiple aspects of the production! The one-act plays range from the fantastical to the funny to the serious, and we can't wait to see the finished products.
Read - Drama, drama, drama: School Play Feb. 22

2018 Champlain Valley Photo Slam!

on January 24, 2018 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
This winter our Digital Photography class participated in the 2018 Champlain Valley Photo Slam presented by Darkroom Gallery in Essex, Vermont. This was a great opportunity for students to display their work with other artists from around the state. Our photography teacher and former board member, Gerry Davis, helped students edit and select their pieces for submission and four students had pieces accepted to the exhibit. On January 12th, students attended the opening reception at Darkroom Gallery, where Mitchell Ruckert was presented with a People's Choice award for his photo "Texas Falls."
Read - 2018 Champlain Valley Photo Slam!

What are you doing for others?

on January 19, 2018 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Read - What are you doing for others?

Express Yourself: Visiting Poet Series

After the "Share Your Heart, Share Your World" poetry workshop run by Sundog Poetry this fall, our English teacher, Abbey Baker was inspired to incorporate more poetry writing into the school year. The idea of having professional poets come to the school for workshops was appealing to the students as well. So far, two poets, Lizzy Fox (left) and Ellen Bethea (right, with RPS student), have given workshops and we are hoping to host two more before the end of the school year.
Read - Express Yourself: Visiting Poet Series

Vermont Youth Climate Summit 2017

on December 4, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
On December 1, Rock Point students joined over 150 students from around the state at the Vermont Youth Climate Summit. Students gathered at UVM to discuss the changes in the climate they are likely to see in the coming years. The summit opened with a video message from Senator Bernie Sanders, encouraging students to keep moving our state toward energy efficiency and creating sustainable energy.
Read - Vermont Youth Climate Summit 2017

I'll Call You (Home)

on November 27, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | Open & Inclusive
Our amazing residential educator, Kelly Ainsworth, wrote a song about her time at Rock Point and performed it for us at graduation in June. Kelly recently moved to New Jersey to be with her fiancé and is now working at a preschool. We miss her contagious smile and generous spirit. The song captures so much of what is special about our school and we are so grateful to Kelly for sharing it with us!
Read - I'll Call You (Home)

Declare Dignity: Diocesan Convention 2017

on November 7, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | Open & Inclusive
The theme for the 185th Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Church in Vermont was "Declare Dignity," with special guest, Dr. Donna Hicks, renowned author of Dignity: The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict. As our country is suffering such deep divisions, the Episcopal Church in Vermont wants to bring people together. Hicks' theory is that by treating one another with dignity, even in the midst of conflict, we can become more connected to one another and create meaningful relationships that allow us to resolve our conflicts without sacrificing our sense of self.
Read - Declare Dignity: Diocesan Convention 2017

Thanks for Getting Spooked with Us!

on October 23, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
The morning of the 2017 Ooky Spooky was bright and clear and over 40 costumed runners showed up ready to race. Runners aged seven to seventy finished the course, which had to be slightly rerouted this year because of closures on the bike path. Our overall winner was Levi Renderer, a convincing Batman, and our best costume winner was Rock Point mom, Kathy Delaney as Rey from Star Wars.
Read - Thanks for Getting Spooked with Us!

Pollinator Education

on October 9, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
Gus, our history teacher and resident bee expert, has been incorporating elements of bee keeping into his curriculum for several years. This year, with the importance of pollinators becoming more widely known, the severe decrease in the bee population, and our efforts to cultivate more of our own food, Gus is including more pollinator education throughout his classes.
Read - Pollinator Education