
News & Events

at Rock Point School

Energy Work and Stress Relief Workshop

on March 20, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | anxiety
Sam Slottow, an RPS graduate, and her parents, Marie and Tim, came to present on energy work and how it can help relieve stress and anxiety. Marie became interested in energy healing when Sam was struggling in early adolescence. She began studying different techniques, such as Qi gong and Reiki, and became certified in several different kinds of Energy Medicine. Sam began to use energy healing techniques to help her cope with anxiety and created a daily energy healing ritual. We were so lucky to have them come present to our students and staff and share their experiences!
Read - Energy Work and Stress Relief Workshop

Bees, Blue holes, and Buddies: Bahamas 2017

on March 14, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
Our group set off to the Bahamas from frigid Burlington, spent the night in Boston with a student's family, and landed in 80 degree weather on February 25th! Shortly after their arrival, they traveled to South Andros by tiny prop plane, where they spent the week. Students spent time at South Andros High School, where they learned about their agricultural program which includes hydroponic systems (drip and water culture), one bee hive, 300 chickens, six goats, and a 10 lbs cabbage. Rock Point students and staff helped set up some bee frames and the new honey extractor at the school, while getting to know some students.
Read - Bees, Blue holes, and Buddies: Bahamas 2017

We Laughed, We Cried, We Cheered: Play Performance 2017

on February 28, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | performance
The culmination of our Project Based Learning focus was a series of four plays performed on February 23rd. The plays were written, performed, directed, and produced by students. Our students conceived of everything from the make-up to the lighting to the music during scene changes and we are so proud of all of their hard work.
Read - We Laughed, We Cried, We Cheered: Play Performance 2017

Save the date: Maple bRUNch March 25th

on February 27, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
For the sixth year in a row, we will be hosting a Maple Brunch and 5k Race! Come taste the maple syrup we make here at Rock Point and drizzle it on everything from pancakes to bacon to yogurt! If you'd like to work up your appetite before brunch, we will have a fun 5k race through our beautiful lakeside property. As usual, tours of our sugaring operation and sugar house will be available throughout the morning. See the schedule of events below. We hope you can join us!
Read - Save the date: Maple bRUNch March 25th

FOR EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS: Northern Latitudes Independent School Tour

on February 16, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
Please join us April 26-28 for a tour of four remarkable schools Itinerary:
Read - FOR EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS: Northern Latitudes Independent School Tour

Cultural Exchange Trip: Bahamas 2017

Each year, students and staff venture forth on a cultural exchange trip. This year, we are headed to the Bahamas! Over the past few years, we have built a relationship with South Andros High School and they have come to visit us, getting tours of our garden, sugar house and apiary. The photos above are from their previous visits to Rock Point. Gus traveled to South Andros last year to give a guest lecture at the school on bee keeping. This year we are sending a group to the Bahamas on February 24th to complete the exchange!
Read - Cultural Exchange Trip: Bahamas 2017

Winter Parent Conferences Feb. 22 - 24

on February 6, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
We are excited to welcome families back to campus in a few weeks! Winter Parent Conferences are a great chance to touch base with parents and have students show off the awesome work they've been doing over the past few months. Highlights of the weekend will be:
Read - Winter Parent Conferences Feb. 22 - 24

Our Beloved Lonnie is Retiring

on January 23, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
It's hard to imagine, but after 42 years, this June Lonnie will be retiring as our office administrator. If you have called the school, walked through our doors, delivered the mail, or fixed the pipes, Lonnie has been the one to greet you and make you feel welcome. In her time at Rock Point, she took on everything from book-keeping to record keeping to decorating the dinning room for special events. She is the engine that has kept the school running.
Read - Our Beloved Lonnie is Retiring

Upcoming Event: School Drama Production Feb. 23

on January 9, 2017 By Molly Huddle Coffey | performance
As part of our project based learning curriculum, students are writing, producing, and performing several short plays again this year. Every student will take part in making this performance happen - from writing the plays to making costumes to promotion of the event. We hope many of you can make it to the performance to see the exciting culmination of several months of work!
Read - Upcoming Event: School Drama Production Feb. 23

The Magic of Gift Giving

on December 22, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey | Open & Inclusive
One of the sweetest traditions we have this time of year is the tradition of exchanging gifts. In our community, we participate in a Secret Santa exchange. Every staff member, every student, and some members of our extended community draws a name before November break, giving them a month to plot and plan what they will do for their gift recipient. The magic of this is that it brings our community together. People often draw the name of someone they may not be close to, but in our tradition, they secretly investigate what their recipient may like. Many students make personal gifts for their Secret Santa in their art class or in their spare time. The care and kindness that is on display when gifts are exchanged are a testament to the thoughtful nature of our community.
Read - The Magic of Gift Giving