
News & Events

at Rock Point School

Upcoming Event: Wiffle Fest in August!

on June 21, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
The 19th Annual Wiffle Fest is coming ... it's just a little later than usual. This year, the day long tournament will take place on August 13th starting at 9am sharp. Wiffle ball players of all ages and skills are welcome! Join us for wiffle ball with our very own "Green Monster", a potluck lunch, and lots of fun. For more information and to add or join a team (2 players minimum), see this page. Entry fees are $40/ team and the proceeds go to Rock Point School. Check out this video from Stuck in Vermont to see all the fun!
Read - Upcoming Event: Wiffle Fest in August!

Travels in Biology

on June 9, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey | high school
This spring, our Biology class was busy! The class has been working its way through the diversity of life, starting with the most basic and culminating in human biology projects. Mari, our science teacher, led several field trips to research centers at the University of Vermont so students could see the concepts they learned in action. One of their first trips was to the Zadock Thompson Zoological Collection, looking at the diversity of insect life. Students were particularly interested in the many species of bees in the collection, given their recent apiary work. Next, students toured the Miller Research and Educational Center, UVM's agricultural research facility. The MREC trip coincided with information on mammals and advanced organ systems. Students learned about dairy cow life cycles, bovine digestion, and agricultural research. While touring the Miller Center, the class saw fistulated cows, pet dairy cows, and learned the milking procedures.
Read - Travels in Biology

Hot hot heat: Marathon 2016

on May 31, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
As temperatures were predicted to rise over Memorial Day weekend, our Vermont City Marathon relay team kept up their training and focused on hydrating. On the morning of the marathon, race organizers made the decision to stop the race if temperatures (and humidity) rose above 82 degrees. With four staff members on various relay teams, plus a student relay team in the race, we were hoping the weather would cooperate. Student volunteers manned a water station at mile 25, hoping to keep runners cool and hydrated in their last mile. Our five person student team trained with Junior Milers from Run Vermont for twelve weeks and they knew they wanted to finish, regardless of the weather. Micah (grade 12), Alekya (grade 12), AJ (grade 11), Eli (grade 10), and Tim (grade 11) finished with a time of 4:27:08 - just before they called off the race due to heat! We are so proud of our team and our participating staff members for persevering and training so hard.
Read - Hot hot heat: Marathon 2016

Art + Student Leadership = An Art Show

on May 30, 2016 By Emily Skoler | art show
Rock Point School held its 16th annual art show,The Road Less Traveled this month at the Rose Street Gallery, with an opening night filled with guests, student artists, members of the Rock Point School community, food, musical entertainment, and a “kids’ corner” where children could make art. With the help of art instructor Jeannie Waltz, the senior class put on the entire show––from advertising, collecting artist statements from fellow students, hanging the show, preparing the food, arranging entertainment for the opening, recording sales, and, ultimately, taking down the show. Students prepared the entire 2015-2016 school year for this event, creating works of art out of media such as watercolor, acrylic, pen and ink, stained glass, photography, and more.
Read - Art + Student Leadership = An Art Show

Vermont Young Playwrights' Festival 2016

on May 19, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
For over 20 years the Vermont Stage Company has produced the Vermont Young Playwrights' Project. Rock Point has participated in the project from the beginning, with our students writing short plays with guidance from professional playwrights. The culmination of the project is the Festival, which happened on May 12 at the Flynn Center. During the festival, Rock Point students have the opportunity to attend workshops with professional playwrights, directors, and actors as well as other high school students from around the state. This year, students participated in a directing workshop and a "Writing for Sound" workshop. Additionally, two student plays from each school are performed by professional actors. Maria's (grade 10) play "The Prince and the Assassin" was given a cold reading at the festival, while Clare's (grade 10) play "A Lively Produciton" was performed as a staged reading. Clare had the opportunity to work with the professional actors on their performance, while Maria was given feedback from the audience on her play. This festival is a highlight of the year for Rock Point students and we love working with the actors, directors, and playwrights from the Vermont Stage Company!
Read - Vermont Young Playwrights' Festival 2016

Welcome to the Sock Hop!

on May 16, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
This year, the prom committee chose to create a 1950's prom and what a prom it was! The fashion was impressive, the decorations were amazing (including a light fixture made of records) and the food was delicious as usual. Gus, our history teacher "lame-o" creator gave rides in his vintage VW beetle to a secret location where students could pick any treat they wanted from a Mr. Ding-a-ling ice cream truck. Emily, our guidance counselor, served as a milkshake maker and Hydration Station expert. Our student DJ, Chris, played retro rock and roll hits for the first half hour of the dance and it got every student (and most of the staff) on the dance floor! The Prom is also the first in our series of traditional end of year activities that help us wind down the year, honor the seniors, and say goodbye. Our juniors presented each senior with a flower and a sweet appreciation speech.
Read - Welcome to the Sock Hop!

The Glint of Light on Broken Glass

on April 12, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
This year, our stained glass studio has been full of creative energy! Students have been using their geometry skills creating 3-D glass sculptures, as well as more traditional flat glass creations. The goal of this art elective is to teach students the basics of making stained glass - drafting, cutting, grinding, and soldering - but many of our students have gone above and beyond the basics this year to create truly original pieces of art. One student has even pursued an apprenticeship with Lawrence Ribbecke, a local glass artist.
Read - The Glint of Light on Broken Glass

Rock Point Partners & Friends Celebration April 30th

on April 9, 2016 By CJ Spirito | News Feed
In conjuction with the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont, we are hosting an event to spread the word about all the Rock Point Property has to offer! Come for all or part of the day (9:30-3:00). Bring your family and friends. Learn about Rock Point and explore how you can become a part of the Rock! The morning will be filled with activities such as a wildflower walk, history walk, primitive outdoor skills, nature crafts, and gardening.
Read - Rock Point Partners & Friends Celebration April 30th

The Road Less Traveled: 16th Annual Art Show May 6th

on April 4, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
Please join us to celebrate the exceptional creative work of our students!
Read - The Road Less Traveled: 16th Annual Art Show May 6th

Update: Rock The Point April 1st

on March 24, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
Come join us for an artistic showcase event on April 1st! Students have put together an evening of fine and dramatic arts. Students will perform one act plays they have written over the course of the year. Our tech crew is busy building props (see photos) and sets from recycled cardboard to create a cohesive look for our four one act plays. Other artisic efforts from our students will be on display throughout the school, including stained glass, paintings, collages, and more! Join us for an entertaining evening. 6pm: Art display, raffle, and snacks Check out the art throughout the school and eat delicious snacks prepared by students. Buy raffle tickets and win prizes such as homemade crafts and treats! 7pm: One Act Plays and Raffle Drawings Students will perform the four 10-minute student written plays listed below. In between each play, we will do a raffle drawing! The Seven Mysteries of Rock Point School by Madeleine M., Grade 12: One enthusiastic Rock Point student drags her less willing friend on a journey through the school to see if there's any truth to the seven legends she's heard. The Border of Winning a Heart by Katie K., Grade 12: Set at the German border in World War II, a young woman tries to save her friend, with the help of a dangerous smuggler. A Lively Production, by Clare B., Grade 10: A student tries to come up with an idea for an original play -- and the audience is taken inside her wild, and sometimes dark, imagination. The Prince and the Assassin by Maria D., Grade 10: A Prince and his assassin are on a quest to slay a dragon, but they don't realize how much they have in common. Hope to see you there!
Read - Update: Rock The Point April 1st