
News & Events

at Rock Point School

The Sweetest Thing: Maple Brunch April 2

on March 22, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
For the fifth year in a row, we will be hosting a Maple Brunch! Come taste the maple syrup we make here at Rock Point and drizzle it on everything from pancakes to bacon to yogurt! If you'd like to work up your appetite before brunch, we will have a fun 5k run through our beautiful lakeside property. As usual, tours of our sugaring operation and sugar house will be available throughout the morning. See the schedule of events below. We hope you can join us!
Read - The Sweetest Thing: Maple Brunch April 2

Pi Day is Coming!

on March 8, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
The Rock Point School students are celebrating Pi Day a little early by hosting a make-your-own mini pie event on Saturday, March 12th from 2:00-3:00 pm. Students will be available to help youngsters fill, bake, and enjoy their own individual pies. Please forward this message along to those who may have little ones excited to participate! RSVP to Kate McKernan (
Read - Pi Day is Coming!

There and Back Again: Nicaragua 2016

on March 1, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
Our travelers returned from Nicaragua on February 24th with lots of stories to tell! Students spent a week immersing themselves in Nicaraguan culture and learning from the people they met. Through Compas de Nicaragua, students spent time with Women in Action in Managua, learning how they support their families and community. Students also traveled to La Paz and worked on a variety of projects including: helping a family build an indoor shower, putting roofs on houses, creating a gray water system, and using manure to make methane gas cook stoves. Other highlights of the trip included:
Read - There and Back Again: Nicaragua 2016

Rock the Point: Arts Festival April 1st

on February 19, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
It's time to get ready for our annual dramatic peformance! For the past several years, we have performed student written plays in conjuction with the Vermont Young Playwright Festival. This year, our production has evolved even more! The plays have become a focus for our Project Based Learning. Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge, skills, and experience by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge. Teachers are working to include more project based learning in their individual curriculums and we also wanted to create a school-wide project. In this case, the challenge is collaborating to produce a performance and event!
Read - Rock the Point: Arts Festival April 1st

¡Bienvenidos a Nicaragua!

on February 16, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
(photo taken at the Yelardy-Morganstern home before they took off for the airport)
Read - ¡Bienvenidos a Nicaragua!

True Love: Valentine's Day at Rock Point

on February 16, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey |
Each year our staff members (headed by Emily Skoler) compose a Valentine poem to the students and perform this poem at a school wide event. This year, the students outdid the staff and wrote a sweet (and funny) poem dedicated to the staff! Seniors Max and Micah read the poem and even joined the staff wearing sparkly Valentine accessories. We love this silly, fun tradition and hope to keep reading ridiculous rhymes to one another for years to come. Here are few verses from the student written poem:
Read - True Love: Valentine's Day at Rock Point

"Everybody can be great ..."

on January 22, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
Like many people, we do not take Martin Luther King Day "off;" instead we chose to honor his legacy through service. This year, our history teacher, Gus, had students listen to King's most famous "I Have a Dream" speech and then led a discussion on social justice and preserving/promoting rights. Students discussed the roles of bystanders and collaborators, and the differences between empathy, pity, and sympathy.
Read - "Everybody can be great ..."

Dialogue Night January 27: Living in the Digital Age with Adolescents

on January 21, 2016 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
Because of the overwhelming response to our event last month, The Enigma of Adolescence: Decoding our 21st Century Youth with Dave Melnick, we are hosting a follow-up dialogue on January 27th to focus on the challenges of growing up, parenting, and working with adolescents in the digital age.
Read - Dialogue Night January 27: Living in the Digital Age with Adolescents

Welcome to Paradise: Bees in the Bahamas

on January 7, 2016 By Emily Skoler |
Our resident beekeeper, Gus Buchanan––also known to Rock Point School students as their history teacher!––was invited to be a visiting lecturer at a high school in the Bahamas, in their agricultural studies curriculum. He gave two lectures to the school. His other duty while there is to teach students to build hives, and to capture some wild bees that located in homes and trees and install them in the hives that the students are building. Unfortunatley, customs held up many of the supplies we sent down, so rather than be able to build Langstroth hives, Gus is teaching the students to build top bar hives out of local resources. Gus and some students successfully cut open the wall of a home, removed a hive that had lodged there, and placed it in the hive that students constructed––with no one getting stung! We look forward to future involvement with South Andros High School, with cultural exchange and service learning opportunities for our students and theirs.
Read - Welcome to Paradise: Bees in the Bahamas

Alumni Updates!

on December 18, 2015 By Molly Huddle Coffey | News Feed
Our favorite moments during the school year are when alumni come to visit us or get in touch with an update! It was great to see Bapi B, Ben P, and Will S recently. Bapi, RPS class of 2011 and a graduate of Roger Williams University, is now working as a researcher at the Naval War college where he is persuing his interest in observing the threat various insurgent and terrorist organizations pose to stability in South Asia. Ben, RPS class of '11 and a graduate of Mitchell College, is working in Washington D.C. in the political arena. Will, RPS class of '12, is enrolled in Mountain Guide School and is working as an educator at The Outdoor School.
Read - Alumni Updates!