
News & Events

at Rock Point School

Inventor Day 2021

on May 17, 2021 By Abbey Baker | Motivation
Read - Inventor Day 2021

Art Show 2021: Outdoors AND Online!

on April 26, 2021 By Molly Huddle Coffey | art show
You’re invited to the Rock Point School Art Show! Student art of all kinds from mixed media to mosaics will be showcased in two new ways:
Read - Art Show 2021: Outdoors AND Online!

Virtual Open House May 13th

Thursday May 13th, 4 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. We're hosting our second Virtual Open House of the year! If you missed the first one, this is your opportunity to learn more about our small, supportive day and boarding high school on the shores of Lake Champlain in Burlington, Vermont. During this event, you will have the chance to talk to students, alumni, teachers, and staff in small groups ... all from the comfort of your favorite chair! Educational consultants, interested families and students, and other professionals who work with teenagers are encouraged to attend!
Read - Virtual Open House May 13th

One-Act Plays: Watch Party April 9th

In the fall, several students participated in a playwriting elective with the hope of creating an original 10-minute one-act play. When everyone returned from our winter recess, students came together to produce and perform "The Album" by Roxanne (grade 11) and "All These Weeks" by Ruby (grade 12). "The Album" is composed of a series of monologues in which three people share memories of their own version of a man who’s passed away. In "All These Weeks," four friends in a high school get caught in gossip and misunderstanding and have to decide whether they will reconcile.
Read - One-Act Plays: Watch Party April 9th

9,000 Attend Ibram X. Kendi Webinar!

on March 18, 2021 By Molly Huddle Coffey | Open & Inclusive
An amazing turnout of 9,000 attendees from 123 schools in New England participated in a webinar by Professor Ibram X. Kendi, Director of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University and author of How to be an Antiracist. The talk, titled “Go Beyond an Awareness of Racism: Contribute to the Formation of a Truly Just and Equitable Society,” was sponsored by the Association for Independent Schools in New England, of which Rock Point is a member school.
Read - 9,000 Attend Ibram X. Kendi Webinar!

Virtual Maple 5k March 14th

on March 9, 2021 By Molly Huddle Coffey | community
The sap is running, and so are we! While we wish we could host our annual Maple 5k fun run at Rock Point School, we couldn't let this year go by without a maple run of some kind. This is the perfect time of year to dust off your running shoes and get out for some fresh air. Here's how to participate in this year's virtual run:
Read - Virtual Maple 5k March 14th

Research Projects: Pandemics and Virology

on February 19, 2021 By Abbey Baker | high school academics
This winter, our English and Science teachers teamed up to guide students through a research and writing unit about the nature of viruses and pandemics. Our students have learned so much first-hand this year about pandemics; we decided to present them with the scientific and historical context and have it culminate in a project of their own creation. In Science classes, students learned the basic science behind how viruses work and some information about historical viruses that have caused pandemics. We studied several types of writing and communication in English class, including narratives, infographics, and persuasive writing. Students then chose a specific topic within virology and pandemics, and dove into a research project.
Read - Research Projects: Pandemics and Virology

Anti-Racism Programming at Rock Point School

on February 17, 2021 By Abbey Baker | Open & Inclusive community
This fall, staff members participated in the Point Made Learning program called “Look Deeper: Race” as part of our professional development. Over the course of the six-week training, teachers and residential educators met weekly to discuss our responses to the film and to try to build a common understanding of racism, anti-racism work, and how we can incorporate the learning and ideas into our work with students. We were excited to bring students into this program this winter.
Read - Anti-Racism Programming at Rock Point School

Valentine Poem 2021

on February 12, 2021 By Molly Huddle Coffey | community
Each year, members of our staff write a Valentine poem with a couplet for each student and member of the community. On an afternoon before Valentine's Day, C.J. and the admin team put on their finest Valentine-y fashions and read the poem for all to hear. This tradition started with former Headmaster, John Rouleau, and has continued with Abbey Baker (English teacher) and Emily Skoler (College Counselor) writing the verses.
Read - Valentine Poem 2021

Virtual Open House March 4th

on February 2, 2021 By Molly Huddle Coffey | public event
You're invited to a Virtual Open House at Rock Point School on Thursday March 4th, 4 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Get to know Rock Point School - virtually! Learn more about our small, supportive day and boarding high school on the shores of Lake Champlain in Burlington, Vermont, from the comfort of your favorite chair. During this event, you will have the chance to talk to students, alumni, teachers, and staff in small groups over Zoom.
Read - Virtual Open House March 4th