Like most schools, Rock Point School has temporarily suspended our on-campus activities due to COVID-19. As we made arrangements with families to get students home safely, we also started to make plans with our staff about how we could best support our students and their families at this uncertain time. While we know it is necessary to be physically distant at this time, we also know it is crucially important to stay deeply connected to our community.
Creating Structure
Many of our students need a clear and predictable schedule. Keeping that in mind, we created a digital learning schedule that mimics our school schedule. Every day begins with a morning meeting via video chat with our Dean of School. Then, teachers are meeting with each of their classes for half an hour each day. This means every student will have English, Science, History, and Math. Teachers are also available during "study hall" blocks to help students complete their work. In the afternoon, there is time set aside for individual physical education (walk your dog, go for a bike ride, or do an exercise/yoga video) and Art class.
Staying Connected
While Academics are important, we also want to make sure our students and staff stay connected socially as well! Advisors will continue to "meet" with their advisees once a week, chatting about how the week is going and helping students stay on track to meet their goals. Additionally, our Residential Educators are meeting with students in Google Hangouts three times a week, playing games, doing group activities, and generally keeping up morale. C.J. Spirito, our Head of School, is also hosting small group parent chats where parents can share questions, concerns, and strategies.
Opportunities for Reflection
As part of our history classes, students are being asked to keep journals in order to create primary sources for future generations. This journal will also provide an opportunity for them to put their own experiences in perspective with what is happening nationally and globally. You can read more about it here.
In art class, students will get a "word of the day" prompt to inspire a piece of art. They are asked to work for 30 minutes to create a piece using any medium they chose - from legos to their iPad to watercolors - and share that piece (finished or not) with our art teacher. This playful way to engage creatively will hopefully be a pressure release for our students.
In this challenging time, we believe that the genuine connections our students make at Rock Point School are more necessary than ever. As the need for distance learning continues, we will continue to seek new and creative ways to be supportive, engaged, and playful with our students and their families.