Each year, Rock Point School makes an effort to participate in the grand tradition of Vermont Town Meeting day. The overall vision for Town Meeting Day is to explore how we live and participate in community.
Students learned about the purpose, history, and procedure of Town Meeting Day during conversations on Monday. On Tuesday, we visited a town meeting in Jericho to see first-hand how this experience works for people in Vermont. We observed how the meeting is framed and introduced, then we saw how the people in this town addressed their first issue of the day.
When students returned to school, we continued with the theme of considering how to participate in community by discussing Change the Story, an organization dedicated to aligning philanthropy, policy and program to fast-track women’s economic well-being in Vermont. Additionally, we discussed the Equal Pay initiative started by the BHS girls' soccer team last year.
Finally, students broke into groups and brainstormed what issues are important to them and how they want to get involved in making change in the larger community around those issues.
We capped off the night with some student attending Bernie Sanders' rally in Essex to watch the Super Tuesday results roll in. It was exciting to witness first hand what a presidential primary campaign looks like on election night!