What is Wiffle Fest?

A collage of 3 photos. Each photo depicts a different Wiffle Fest player playing wiffle ball.

You are in for a treat...

Wiffle Fest is a 2-on-2 wiffle ball tournament that builds community and raises funds for Rock Point School. And it is a lot more ~  it is an uplifting celebration of the human spirit.

It is an all-day affair … We play 5 games starting at 9:00 am before a pot-luck lunch, break bread together, then rally for playoff games, ending at about 4:30. Everyone helps break the fields and decorations down, which goes pretty quickly.

John Rouleau, RPS Headmaster emeritus, refers to Wiffle Fest as a “Brigadoon”.   

Our Wiffle Brigadoon is a lively festival experience, including an all-hands-on-deck breakdown. Leaving nothing but some interesting-looking crop circles in the grass and fond memories. For me, Wiffle Fest truly is an enchanted day spent in joy and celebration - I hope you join us to play, laugh, and eat together while also supporting a worthy cause.

Here's the "short version" of what you can expect during our games at Wiffle Fest

Wiffle Fest Rules 

  • Wiffle Fest is fun and competitive - good sportsmanship is the spirit of our game
  • The distance the batter hits the ball determines if it is a single, double, triple, or home run
  • 2 outs per inning
  • 3 strikes = out
    • A strike is a pitch that is swung at and missed or a pitch that was not swung at and hits the chair on the seat, back, or arms of the chair at the seat or higher
  • Out = A hit ball in the air caught in fair or foul territory 
  • Out = a ground ball fielded cleanly at or in front of the singles line
  • Batters advance as “ghost” runners
  • Runners advance the same number of bases as the batter
    • Baserunner advances a base with a walk when forced
  • Each game: 3 innings/25 minutes, whichever comes first
    • If the game hits 25 minutes, the final score is the score at the end of the last complete inning
  • During the regular season:
    • 10 run max per inning
    • Pitching speed is the slower or the two teams' preferences

If you'd like a copy of the full "rulebook", download the PDF by clicking here!

 Questions? Please contact C.J. by calling 802-578-9846, or send an email at cspirito@rockpoint.org

C.J. Spirito
Wiffle Commish

Jack Clement
Deputy Wiffle Commish